Do you ever feel like giving up?
We all have those days, when it all just simply feels too hard.
I was having one of those moments, when it all seemed pointless. Everything I'd been working toward felt as though it was suddenly so far away, and I'd lost all faith that I'd ever really get where I wanted to be.
In my deepest frustration, I was called to pull out a notebook and start writing. This is what The Crew channeled to me on that day.
Channelled from The Crew
Don’t you dare tell me!
Don’t you dare tell me, that you can’t do this!
Don’t you dare tell me, that it’s too much for you, too scary for you, too difficult for you or too hard.
Don’t you dare tell me, that this is not what you are here to do, or to share or to become.
Don’t you dare tell me… because I KNOW!
I know that you are already incredibly brave.
I know that you are doing things everyday that most people never have to deal with.
I know that this, all of this, is what you have already built and created, from nothing… just from your sheer will and determination to follow your own path.
Yes, everything is down to you. But yes, everything is down to you! Be proud of yourself!
You have been fearless to create this work.
You have been more than you thought you could ever be, just by beginning to follow your dreams.
You are more connected than vast oceans of people who never listen to one whisper of their heart and Soul’s desires.
Everything that you think is stopping you right now is because YOU ARE SHINING. You are shining so brightly that the noise of doubt needs to shout so loudly to be heard.
You are hearing your fears so keenly because they are on their dying breath, and you are doing that by being prepared to jump.
To jump toward your future.
To jump toward your dreams.
To jump toward your Soul that shouts loudly now – to come this way, move this way, live this way!
Don’t you dare tell me that you cannot face another challenge,
when you have faced so many challenges and through them have learned to shine, and share, and be ALL THAT YOU ARE.
Don’t you dare tell me that you will wait one more moment,
held back inside from fear and uncertainty, when it’s those very things that show you that this – THIS – is indeed ‘the thing’!
When fear shouts so loud it holds your heart and body in STOP. Then know – KNOW – that this is indeed the way. This is indeed the next leap; this is indeed the very thing that is the right thing to do.
So, don’t you dare tell me that this isn’t the way, that you can’t go on, that you don’t know what to do.
Listen. Listen to the sound of your fear, and hear the ferocity of resistance.
Look it in the eyes.
Listen right into the noise.
Feel with every ounce of your being that resistance.
And know that for every scream, shout, and ounce of holding you back – there is a shine within you that is equal and opposite to the ferocity of that urge to stop that is willing you forward.
You are already ALL that you need to be.
You are already everything that you are.
You are already taking the step; that caused the shout, that brought forward the fear, that created the resistance, to stop you in your tracks. You have already chosen to shine!
You are already there!
So don’t you dare tell me that you can’t… for you, you my dear, you already ARE! "
I often re-read these words when I need a reminder to keep on keeping on.
This was the day that I remembered in my bones and Soul, that the way forward to the new is always through our own fears and doubts.
These words from the Energy Collective The Crew lifted me when I needed them the most. I hope as you found your way here too, they've just done the same for you.
Huge love, Cat x
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