16 minute : Channeled audio recording from The Crew

Where are you Pushing Away your Power?

Where are you pushing away your power? Where are you separating yourself from your own truest version of yourself - and the power of this world, this universe, to allow you to be that.

In this recording The Crew ask us understand that the support, power and connection we all need to be and unfold into more of the Light bringer we are, is all around us. And questions how we are not allowing that to find its way in, to support us, and assist us as we move in the world as the creative force that we are.

"There are many of you who are listening, who are independent souls, who are ones who know that working in their own way has got them this far, has got them to here, in knowing their own understanding of life, in dealing with their own problems, in finding their own way through. 

But one of the things we would ask you to recognise now is where are you not allowing yourself to receive the physical, emotional or other support that is already offered to you in this time? For the human of you, as well as the light bringer of you requires support here now."

A 16 minute recording, from Cat Knott & The Crew.

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Recording AUDIO - Channeled from The Crew © 18-8-20

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Where are you pushing away your power?

Where are you separating yourself from your own truest version of yourself - and the power of this world, this universe, to allow you to be that.

Where are you pushing away your power?

Another way of asking this question is where are you not allowing that power to find its way to you?
Where are you not allowing yourself to receive the support of the energy frequency of all that is? Where are you separating yourself from the infiniteness that you are?

These are questions which are brought to mind here in this time. Here we are in an energetic frequency that many of you can feel is starting to build itself, is starting to become more forward energized. And this is because those of you as light workers, as light bringers here, who have allowed yourself to reconnect, who have allowed yourself to reassess the truth of who you are. Those of you who have allowed yourself to listen more, to be in the light of you more, are now ready and energized and have stored within yourself the energy needed to move forward in this time of unknowing.

This is the energy frequency we are tapping into now, of the being brave enough to move in the unknowing, in the space that is not yet settled, is not yet ordered, is not yet what we would like it to be, is not yet showing us the way to move forward.

And yet, as we have said, as you have heard, as you have witnessed, as you have felt within yourself - this time has changed.

The humanness in you wishes the world outside of you to show you the way. But you know in your deepest self now, in the light of you, in the resonance and radiance of you, that you are the one who must show yourself the way.

You are the one who is bringing through you the step forward rather than it being given to you.

But the energy of now is as if it has given you permission to say, yes now I can start to create, yes, now I can start to move, yes, now I can start to be. Yes, ow I can gently start to bring those energies of myself more and more into this world.

And so if you are feeling that now, we are asking you to recognize where are you separating yourself from the power, from the support, from the energy frequency which is here to support you and your own power and light in this time.

There are many of you who are listening, who are independent souls, who are ones who know that working in their own way has got them this far, has got them to here, in knowing their own understanding of life, in dealing with their own problems, in finding their own way through.

But one of the things we would ask you to recognise now is where are you not allowing yourself to receive the physical, emotional or other support that is already offered to you in this time? For the human of you, as well as the light bringer of you requires support here now.

So ask of yourself. Is there a separation of yourself where you are actively not allowing into yourself any support that has been offered or that could be offered to yourself?

The humanity of you requires support as well as the light bringer of you requires energetic frequency power support. For you are all things, and knowing that you are both in this time as you move forward will allow you to create the momentum that is the necessity of the moving forward in this moment.

The momentum. The piece by piece. The let it come, let it go, let it come, let it go. Ease. Allowing. Simplicity, creating quickly. Momentum, creating momentum, creating momentum, creating momentum. Creating energy, creating frequency, creating light that will sustain you as the humanity of you.

So we ask again, where are you pushing away your power? And your power comes from the understanding of the complexity of you, understanding the needs and the individualized levels of the existence that you are here within.

The power of you as human requires you to allow yourself to be supported, requires you to allow yourself to find those who are being brought into your path to support you. For this is the way of this world.

As you move forward and become a more powerful being, those around you in the same collective of power and understanding, of weaving of light, find themselves drawn towards each other. For the humanness of you requires conversation, requires in-depth understanding of those who are walking through this same process.

You are needing to create around you a collective, a collective of those who are here to support you. The individualization of you. And you are worthy, and you are able to accept that.

And so, if you do not feel that around yourself, this is the time to be declaring to yourself, I am ready and willing to accept support for myself, for my humanity, for my power, for my life, and for my light.

Allow yourself to welcome in that energy frequency of support and power for yourself.

For as a collective you each support each other to allow yourself to be in the light more often. To allow yourself to be in the frequency of you more often. To allow yourself to be in the courage of you more often. To allow yourself to be elevated into those places which feel more comfortable, which feel more uncomfortable more often.

Through this collective understanding that you are requiring of support, you will not only support yourself, but the weaving of this network of the light bringers who are here to create this next level of creation, require to mix with others who understand their roles. For as you feel yourself dipping into conversation with those who are in the old paradigms, in the old limitations, in the old ways of thinking, you will feel yourself drained. For your energy will reduce to be in resonance with those in which you are in having conversation.

The light of you requires power to perpetuate itself here in this human space, in the humanity of you. And so where are you pushing away your power?
These questions are on the human level.

We also wish for you to ask yourself, where am I pushing away my power in the connection to the not this’ness? To the Infinity of you. To the parts of you that are not this human solid linear form. To the parts of you that bring forward here now the energy frequency, the truest resonance of you, the light of you.

These next concept ideas, frequencies, all coming from this space of the as yet unmade. Where are you pushing away that power to find itself to you? So we ask of you, are you allowing yourself time to connect to that space? Are you allowing yourself time to separate into that energy frequency of view of the not this’ness?

How can you allow more of that into your world, even for a few moments each day? How is your unique way of allowing that in?

One simple idea that we have shared with this channel is to allow yourself in your mind to create a portal. Allow yourself to create a portal and energetic space where you can close your eyes and in one breath allow yourself to return for a few moments into that silence, into that quiet, into that direct connection of the not this’ness.

And how that portal is created would be unique for you. An imagery an intention and allowing a creating space - is all it is required for you to create for yourself a way to immediately recharge, immediately step out of and into the not this’ness. A few moments, a few breaths each day in this space will allow your power to be reignited, your light to be refilled, to be recharged, to be re energized.

This is the magic of knowing that you are both elements of you. And weaving with the human mind to connect yourself into the not this space, The power of your intention, the power of your allowing yourself to find this power, find this frequency, find your light, find your space where you are able to reconnect to all that you are not, when you are in your physical form.

Where are you pushing away your power? Where are you not allowing your power, your support, your life, your light to find its way to you in the greatest extent that it can be?

These are the questions for this time, for this moment. Allow yourself a few moments to question yourself, to listen to the answers that are already in your mind of where this is occurring, where this is for you, where this is in this non allowing, in this pushing away from, in this not connecting to.

You already know, this is an asking for you to make witness to it,

And even though it may not be an immediate change, the witnessing of it will allow it to be seen clearly and once something is seen. It can never be unseen, it can be ignored, it can be moved away from, but it can never be unseen. And in the seeing of it you are healing from it. You are allowing a different option to arrive. You are allowing new possibilities to come to you. You are allowing new versions of your future allowing to occur.

I am ready and willing to allow support, and life and light to find its way to me now.

These are the questions asked of you here.
Where are you pushing away your power?


The Crew : Where Are You Pushing Away Your Power? © 5-2-21


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