5 : Poking at Death

In episode 5 of Reality Poke we pull on our big girl pants, ponder and unpack Death, and what that means to us, humanity & beyond

In these current patterns of change and shift in this world, now is the time for us all to take a good look at our beliefs of endings and beginnings, and how we’re programmed to fight against the idea of ‘death’ rather than embrace it as an ever present aspect of Life itself. 

We then pass the question over to *The Crew* who explore further from different perspectives, of the two sides of the mirror of existence, and what that means to humanity, and how we then get to choose to live,

It’s a bit of a whopper this one at 44min, so do grab a brew, and pop your feet up with a blanket, and be ready to ponder what Death (and life) means to you too. 

[00:00] – Life and Death, pondering why we push Death aside, and the current need to look at life differently in the truth of non permanence.

[16:50] – Over to *The Crew*. Perspectives from both sides of existence on the awareness of death.

[35:48] – Poking our wobbles, our willingness to look into the uncomfortable places – like Death – to find new ways to move forward. 

*‘Take what resonates, leave what doesn’t; and remember that the only thing that’s real, is reality, until it’s not.’ Huge love, Cat x*

If you like what you hear, be sure to SUBSCRIBE, and you can find more Channels from *The Crew*, info about me, my work, and much more over on my website at www.uninvented.life. 

Disclaimer: Everything you hear on Reality Poke, is my own navigation guide to the incomprehension of life as a human, and ponderings on how to be totally cool with not understanding any of it. 

The content you’ll find here is not intended to replace your common sense, and should not be used as a substitute for it, nor is it provided to take the place of any medical, legal, financial, or other professional advice. All content is offered for educational, spiritual, and entertainment purpose only.


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