What if?! Life was about learning it’s OK to just do it anyway

What if?! Life was about learning it’s OK to just do it anyway

What if?! It’s OK to risk

It’s OK to Dream

It’s OK to Dare

What if?! It’s Ok to just do it

What if?! Waiting to know that it’ll be ok, is losing the point that it’s already OK. It’s already right, its already NOW.

The time to risk

To dream

To dare

To just do it anyway

What if each day a million, million dreams are wasted, waiting for the knowledge (that will never come) that it’s ok to jump, to do, to dream, to start, to share, to live, to BE.

What if that shout of “Now, do it Now” from outside of you, can never be heard?

As only when the step is taken, does the outcome appear.

We can’t know what the future brings; we can’t cover all uncertainty or allay all fears. But know this…

Each day a million, million dreams remain unlived, because it’s not believed… it’s OK to do it anyway!

What are you dreaming of doing, but can’t seem to make the leap? Get in touch and let’s get you moving… Cat


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