What If ?! : Time did not exist

Stop Watch

“Imagine if you will… a world without time.

A world without the need to struggle for tomorrow, or to regret the moments passed … imagine… just for a moment. Ponder on the question… ‘What If?’

What if that could be possible? Remove the thoughts of your own reality and simply allow that thought to permeate a little. How incredible would that life be? What would you miss? How would your existence change, or is it even possible to comprehend?

Let’s wander a little further into this possibility…
Without time there would be no need to rush. No need to stress about when to catch the bus, how long you need to work for or how old you are getting when you look in the mirror.
So, in a world without time, a web of other changes needs also to shift from your current way of living.

With no ageing – how would you grow from child to adult? With no adults how would society function? With no workers and no change of the seasons how would you eat? How would harvests grow and how would water flow from oceans, to rain, to oceans again? For without the turn of the world all existence as you know it would cease.

Time is the causation of all in this realty. Time allows a being to live a singular lifetime, from birth to death. It allows the journey of life, the meeting of minds, the learning to love another and the procreation of the next generation. And that’s just the humans!!

Levels upon levels upon levels of complex interwoven realities of species, both plant and animal – and the evolution and change of the earth itself – are all based on this one function… TIME.
And so What If?

What If time itself was no longer existent. What form would you be? For without time, the physical form cannot be – for it needs and requires to be in constant flow, of change – from day to day the body in which you sit repairs, renews, breaks down. Your heart beats the blood that keeps the physical and the mind alive… but without time that could not be. So What If? What would you be?
What is left when you strip away the bones and flesh of the body? What is left if this life is no longer framed in a physical reality… what remains?
What remains is the essence of life itself – the vibration of energy that is within all things, physical and non.

What If you were at source simply a being of energy, so profound and limitless that you could traverse realities with a simple intention to be elsewhere? But where would that elsewhere be? By the word ‘where’ we return to a default learning of a reality that is simply in the physical – solid earthly form. But What If that were also simply a construct of this existence – but the reality of ‘where’ could be limitless?

What If there were realities of life beyond the realms of time and the restrictions of place?
What If within each level of physical reality there existed fractals of vibration, where the past, present and future could coexist in the same place, at the same time, without one knowing of the others existence.

What If you as a being of vibration, could exist simply in a form of vibration that shifts and changes, creating ripples that flow into a greater vibrational whole?
What If your vibration were so unique it was still possible to be an identity, based on your own unique colour of tone, yet also be a part of a crescendo of sound, made from limitless vibrations. Each as unique through their own vibration, yet allowing and sharing their own vibration to become a part of the whole; and the vibration of the whole becoming a part of them.

What If?

What If this were a possibility? What If this were a reality? What would that mean to you? What would that be like? How would you choose to be?
What If your choice to live, to be returned to a physical life were simply a single choice made in a limitless life of such choices? How many physical forms would you choose to experience?
What If there existed limitless experiences of life, of vibration – of physical and non physical existence?
What If there existed a million levels of a billion existences in physical forms, and stars beyond this physical galaxy that exist in such a different form they could not even be described.
What if you could chose to experience life in a different vibration or plane of existence for a moment, for a million years, or for a single human lifetime?

What If your experiences were simply moments decided upon to expand and experiment? What If this life were the equivalent of a ‘day out’? Would you choose to always experience the same? Or would you like to visit a roller coaster park one day, then the next you might like a more quiet time, perhaps to watch the rolling seas? Or what if you wanted to try skydiving, or mountaineering? Or what if you simply wanted to stay at home?
Would you always choose the same?

What If you had the ability to experience multiple lifetimes in the same moment; splitting your vibration into elements that can each provide a single insight? You would not need to choose to be simply in one moment, in one reality! As without time – what is a moment? You could choose to be both the fox and the rabbit. You could be the apple and the tree.

What If you could step aside of your lifetimes learning and remember what it was like to be that spark of vibration – that part of all that is – that element of limitless potential and yet still a unique part of a reality that is beyond imagining, beyond comprehension of humanity?
What If you had the ability to see your current life from that perspective? What would seem of huge importance, would now seem small.
What If you could see this life as a glimpse into a reality simply to learn, to experience, to have fun, to feel the rain on your face and the sand under your feet?
What If you came to experience the meaning of love in all its earthly reality – a reality that would include heartbreak and pain for only by feeling one can you truly appreciate the other?
What If your journey was to step into the shoes of a great explorer – to shift the lives of all other humans on earth?
What If you came to investigate what life was like without the memory of what came before?
Each journey would be as unique as the other, yet each would intertwine once again on the physical level – with uniqueness blending into lives lived alongside others, with concerns and worries beyond your own – and actions that affected not only yourself but the world around you and the earth itself.

What If within each experience the spark remains the same – to grow and expand through knowledge of experiences – of lives lived and dimensions of vibration crossed?
What If that knowledge expands and develops the greater vibration? Where would that knowledge of limitless lives and journeys undertaken take them? Would we learn to be at one, without the need for aggression, without the need for separation, without the longing for possessions?

What If the vibration at this level of great expanse was one of such a divine peace and acceptance that only a billion billion billion lifetimes could teach just one individual?

What if this were true? Would you not yearn for home? Would your spark within not always be there to remind you of all that you truly are? What if humanities constant quest for more, its yearning for answers to ‘there must be more than this’ is the inevitable outcome of a limitless being experiencing a lifetime of limits – a lifetime that begins and ends – a lifetime of restriction of space and time.
What If the key to truly understanding who we are doesn’t come from without, it is simply remembering the within; the part of you that sings a vibration of such wonder that is beyond comprehension.
What If this is why we always must forget, when we are in human form? For in this reality the comprehension of all is impossible.

But What If in time we know we will return to that form? What If that spark within allows us to connect even at the smallest level to create moments of such great beauty and joy in this lifetime – if only we learned to listen to its song?

What If – time is all we have? Right here and now to enjoy this journey for all it is – for all its fascinating experience, for all its highs and lows; for all its limits yet limitless choices. What If time was the essence of this life – the ticking of the moments toward and inevitable end? Would that give you time to think… to be open to ponder, to see wider, to open your mind to the possibility… to allow yourself to ask… What If?!”


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