What If?! the outcome of your work was none of your business?

What if your business was to do your work?

What if your work was to do your calling, share your passion, build your dream, love, heal, teach, share?

What if the outcome of how that is received was none of your concern?

How often do you hear of inspirational souls, creative souls, inspired souls, who never share their gifts because they believe the outcome to be their responsibility – a great weight to carry.

Your business is to do your work!

Your business is to get up each day and not allow distractions, fear or avoidance keep you from fulfilling your goal… To Do Your Work.

Your business is not to be held responsible for how that work is received.

Your work is not to worry about the final resting place of your words, your healing, your art or inspiration.

Your work is not to stop your own business because of concerns or others. They have their own stories to tell, their own journeys to fulfil – it is not your business to be the one to lift them out of their lives.

Your business is to do your work. The outcome of that work is none of your concern.

How different would our days seem… to be no longer concerned of the catalyst we create within another?

How different, how much more fun could you have with each and every day, if you knew that the only thing you had to do – was to share your work – to offer your words, to allow yourself to be inspired, to then inspire those around you.

Your work is your calling – your purpose – yours.

What if that were all? What if your business was to do your work – and the outcome was none of your concern. Allowing the miraculous to work through us – then getting the hell out of the way.

Our business is not to interfere.
Our business is not to overcare.
Our business is not to exhaust ourselves in the support of others.
Our business is not to give where it is not required.
Our business is not overgiving, oversharing, overloving or overhwhelming.
Our business is to do our work – then get out of the way – the rest is not down to us, nor is it our concern.

The outcome of that work, is in the hands of the people who have heard it, seen it, felt it, or who choose to ignore it – that is none of our concern.

Our business is to do our work… then get out of the way.


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