Poking at Perspectives & Realities – Reality Poke #1

EPISODE #1 : Poking at Perspectives & Realities

A channelled conversation, introducing me, Cat Knott, ‘The Reluctant Channeler’ & my energy spirit collective The Crew. 

in this first episode of Reality Poke. I’ll try to explain what this channelling stuff is all about, using words that make no sense when trying to describe what it's all about… lol, yep the head twizzling starts early!.

We delve into the world of connection, channeling, being human, and being much much more than we think we are.

You can find the full transcript of the podcast below. 

If you want to skip through here's the breakdown. (The timejumps here will lead you back to YouTube)

00:00 - Welcome to Reality Poke. Who I am, why I’m doing this, what is channeling, and why it's time for us all to stop not being all that we are. 08:15 - Channeling The Crew. Perspectives from the ‘Not Thisness’. 23:33 - After the perspective poke, what happens when we hear that different vibration of existence. Expansion, loosening of solidity… and what's next?

I hope you enjoy this first podcast, and I'd love to hear your thoughts / questions / insights. Let's chat!

‘Take what resonates, leave what doesn’t; and remember that the only thing that's real, is reality, until it's not.' Huge love, Cat x

TRANSCRIPTION: #1 Poking at Perspectives & Realities

Hey there, and welcome to Reality Poke with me Cat Knott. This is my first exploration and adventure into podcasting.

I'm so super excited to bring this to you. So I thought it's probably better that we do this first recording to actually explain what this is all about.

You see the title is exactly what we are going to do, in these conversations.

And they very much are conversations, because I am a channel and I know that that is absolutely weird as… (word beginning with F).

So the reason that I have always struggled to do this work, is many fold. But you can honestly say that I am the most reluctant Channeller that ever existed.

I have pushed against. I have rejected. I have denied every single way that I can, of doing this work.

But we are living in a time now where we're not being allowed to stand away from our unique gifts, talents and light in this world anymore.

We're not being given that opportunity to stand back from what we're here to do.

And so over these last two years especially, I have chosen to step towards this. And yes, it's been an interesting Journey.

But what I do is I bring forward a collective.

Now I say these with the caveated words that every single thing that I say now, is creating a label to explain a thing that has no labels.

It has no structure. It has no way of explaining it without the words, that I'm going to bring these words in, but these words, don't make any sense.

Because I'm trying to describe something that is a connection to the creative force of all that is, and all that is not yet.

So how do you bring that down into words?

You have to use labels, you have to use ways of describing that infinitely minimize all of the magic that this is.

So yes, I call my Collective, The Crew. And the reason that I call them The Crew is that when I was learning how to uncover this. And speaking to them for many many, many, many, many years literally speaking through my own soul, questioning myself, questioning the eternity of the human existence, and the Nature and Collective understandings.

I used to call them The Management, because I too came into this with an understanding of there must be a hierarchy.

They must be better than me. This wisdom is beyond me and therefore it's better than me.

And we then create this reality of a linear structured force of like everything outside of us that is wisdom is better than us, is outside of us, is a higher being.

And again, we call them beings. We put things into boxes. We put frames around this. But every single one of us, as a human being here, has a infinite connection to every single being and life force on this planet.

And so we create these illusions, we create this need for structure.

We create this need for labels. We create this need for a thing, with an outline and a name and a color.

And a, ‘where does it fit?’ Is it above? Is it below? Is it left? Is it right? Is it this dimension? Is it another dimension?

We want to create that because we as humans need that structure, but structure does not exist outside of this experience of existence.

So, pretty much everything that I'm saying, now, isn't correct.

And The Crew are often laughingly explaining this to me through channels that I do for myself, for my group, for my private clients.

Bringing forward this laughingness - this way of seeing everything from outside of this space.

And so I want now to hand it over to The Crew because this is how these podcasts are going to work.

I'm going to bring forward a question. I'm going to bring forward something were pondering about.

I'm going to bring forward something that's happening in the world and then I'm going to open up, and bring forward what The Crew want to bring in this time.

And so in this introductory, first edition, if you like, I'm pretty sure that they're going to want to talk about the fact that everything that I'm saying is probably nonsense from the perspective of outside of this.

So I'm going to hand over to The Crew.

And yes, as I said at the beginning,

I appreciate this is weird as f**k. Okay, just decided. I am going to swear in these podcasts.

So if you come back, you're going to get the fullness of me.

And that means I am actually a little bit sweary, but I'm very kind and a very nice with it. It is just a part of who I am.

So if I'm going to embrace  the full light of me, and I'm going to be stopping being this reluctant Channeler,

and I am going to decide to do this work out loud in the world.

Then yeah, you're going to get a little bit of swearyness, but hey, all is well.

So I'm handing over now to The Crew and let's see where they go.

Channelled from The Crew

Firstly, thank you for allowing us to speak to you in this way. This is new and exciting for us to be able to step forward to speak to you directly through this new medium, through this new way, through this new becoming,  through this new space.

And this is indeed what we wish to bring to this world, now.  This understanding of this life being one, which is able to create that which you wish, but also all of the things that you have not yet invented.

And this is a different way of speaking to you, than many spiritual teachers, many Bringers of Light, many bringers of message, will bring to you in this time.

And this is why it is important that we are stepping forward speaking with you, allowing you to hear this New Perspective.

And this perspective of living the uninvented, is one which we have brought forward through this channel for many years now.

A stepping out of that which already exists.

For it is only in this reality of linear time, space, structure. That there is such a thing of structure.

Such a thing of everything must be done, one step at a time.

And yet what happens if we allow ourselves to step out of the entirety of the reality of existence, that you have brought yourself to this point, to be believing in.

Every single piece of it.

Imagining now that every single aspect of this world, of this universe, of the understandings that you now have of multi dimensions, of the understandings that you now have of other beings, other star races, other aspects of existence.

Stepping out further away from all of this.

To beyond this.

Into the space of what is not yet.

What is not created.

What is not in this reality.

For this is a reality that is created through infinite complex understandings and relations to rules and configurations, that have been created using the mechanics of this time, space linear format.

Into a creation that you as a human species now, are able to see more deeply, able to understand wider concepts, new spaces, new abilities to think, beyond the structure of this solidity in which you are believing of yourselves, as a singular existence, in a singular linear time form in a singular linear, dimensional space.

For many years Humanity has been opening up, has been allowing into conversation, different aspects of reality, different aspects of this looseness, of what we believe reality to be from a human perspective.

Indeed, we have said many times before that, you are now speaking on a daily basis, the information that was kept sacred for eons.

And yet, here it is, now, in the grasp of every single individual living on this planet.

How is it possible, that Humanity cannot shift fundamentally, when all of this different information is available, now, to you.

And so, in this introduction here, we wish for you to understand our perspective.

Our perspective from outside of all of this.

As indeed, you, as an Essence are outside of all of this.

We are here if you wish, to meet you from beyond all of this.

And yet, it is a necessity to bring all of that beyondness down into the thisness, to make it something that is discussable.

Something that can be described, something that can be brought here in a language that can be shared.

And so it is continually diminished in its very essence, because it is necessary to bring it down into human conversational level.

But that is what you are doing.

Each and every single day.

You are a powerful creator of existence.

Literally, you are creating the reality around you. Weaving together your beliefs, in a solidity, in This Moment, as a spark of the infinite.

That is the reality that you are doing.

This is the reality of which we speak.

As a spark of the infinite, you are literally solidifying. Bringing down into a smaller, smaller, smaller. smaller, smaller, smaller, smaller, smaller, smaller, smaller more focused element of existence in each and every breath you take.

And you are deciding in this moment that you are a human experiencing Life as a human.

And that means that you are bringing forth into this experience, all of the elements that have been previously programmed into the understanding of what humanity is, and the relationship that Humanity has to the rest of its experiences of life into a singular, linear time frame, where you are believing everything lives in progression.

And that means that every single aspect of this life that you are creating, you are able to bring more and more of the not thisness of you, of the not thisness of life, of the not thisness of the rules, and the beliefs that Humanity brings forward into each and every breath you take.

And this is why at this time, so many people are feeling within them that there is more.

And we say through this channel often the call of ‘show me more of the moreness of me’.

And from this perspective as human, to call upon the moreness of you the outside this of you, this then allows you to connect with infinite capability.

Infinite power, infinite understanding, infinite conceptualization.

And this is why now, so many Light Bringers, so many visionaries, so many of you are being called to stand in this moreness of you, even though you may have no idea what that is apart from you know, deep in every vibrational essence of you that you are more.

And this is the Awakening, if you will to make it simplistic. The Awakening that is undergoing this Humanity, this existence, in this time.

There are many infinite networked conversations to be had, and this is why we are so excited in this moment, to allow you to open these questions, to allow you to see possibility beyond the thisness - the already createdness, the already solidness.

And invite you to take Quantum leaps beyond what you believe is a logical or sensible or understandable, next step.

And to listen with all of your being to that which is not this.

And leap forward, into the new. Leap forward into the un-yet made.

Leap forward into the new ideas, the new concepts, the new ways of seeing this world differently.

And understanding that at this time, when so many of you are searching for someone to tell you how to do this, you have, within you already every single piece of all that you need.

And again this is another conversation.

The intricate networking of when we are led by others beliefs.

And in this time that solidity is being unwound, for every single human on this planet, every single teacher, every single guide, every single being, is loosening.

Is also finding themselves, a deeper connection to the not this.

And this is why allowing yourself to embrace the light of you is the key element of existent in this time.

For the light of you is the truth of you.

The Resonance of you, the existence of you.

And we have said, many times. In the existence of you, you act as a acupuncture point in this world.

The light of you resonates from you, simply by being, here in this world.

You are changing this world simply by being in it.

And so the reality begins that, you then become the powerful Creator from that space.

You are unblocking, unlocking, loosening, changing, healing, every single experience of your existence, and the experience of the solidity of the thisness of every single person you come into connection with, simply by being the light of you.

And we will return to these deeper conversations in all aspects in later days.

But for now, the awareness that there is no fear to be found in what is labeled as the void, in the not this, in the unmade, in the uncreated.

And so many of you stand on a precipice, believing, you must take a leap into the unknown.

But this is a belief that has been created from the reality of the solid linear manifest form that you are sitting and listening to these words in.

What we wish for you to understand, is that there is no edge and you are already in flight.

And welcome back, and this is me coming back as Cat, me.

Isn't it always interesting to hear a different vibrational essence of existence?

Something happens to us, when we are put into a presence with something that is different.

Something that is so expansive.

And many of you may have felt this if you've been and stood and looked at mountains, or you've been by the ocean.

Or you've witnessed a whale, or some part of nature that makes you go, ‘oh, wow’.

And fundamentally in those moments, we are changed. We are changed vibrationally.

Every part of our being expands from those moments.

And I hope, that this is one of those moments where I can bring that through to you - as you listen to these podcasts.

That each and every one of these just brings a few minutes of expansion, a few minutes of feeling your being go, ‘Oh, wow’. Feeling that remembering.

And not all of these words will make sense to you.

Not all of the words that we hear through these channels actually are the point of the channel.

You know, we kind of believe that everything we learn we learn through words, but we don't, we are connected beings.

We are feeling beings. We are energy beings, and we are learning to navigate this world in whole new ways right now.

We are learning that we feel the world around us.

And so, when you're listening to these channels, even though the words might make you go.. ‘eh what ?’, and believe me I have some very amazing friends who are teachers and Light Bringers and Visionaries in their own right, and sometimes they even say to me, ‘I don’t get it’.

But what's happened is in the listening, they have been expanded. They have received an expansion, a energy frequency change.

And then down the way somewhere suddenly you witness that which was heard in the channel from some time ago, or in one of my clients I'll get a phone call or a message months, or even years later and they'll go ‘I get it now’.

‘I get it now. I'm there now’.

And so this is my fun space, and I'd love to hear from you guys about what are the big questions that you would like to put to The Crew at this time?

I've already got some big ideas coming.

Some big conversations specifically for the Light Bringers, the teachers, the Visionaries - those of you who are in this space of expansion and you are waiting for this next level to be brought into reality for you.

You know that there is so much more coming.

But also, for every single human being on this planet because no mistakes guys, every single human that you are in contact with is having this same expansion right now.

Even the ones that you feel are so disconnected. So solid in their thinking and their ways. They too are feeling this. 

And that's what's making a huge amount of interesting turmoil in this world.

As thinking gets less solid, as solidity is getting less solid, as rules are getting less solid.

As this world is literally loosening its edges in every single way.

So, hey, let's have some more adventures.

Let's have some more explorations and conversations about all of this.

You can find all of my work on my website at www.uninvented.life.

And I'd love for you to join me on there, and send me a message if you've got a question that you'd like to put to The Crew in Reality Poke, in this podcast scenario.

Let's see where we can go. Huge, huge love and I'll see you on the next episode.

Bye for now.

Poking at Perspectives & Realities with Cat Knott & The Crew : Published 29 Oct 2021

Do you have a question for The Crew that you'd like me to ponder on in an episode of the Reality Poke Podcast? Send me a message here

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Touchstones of Calm, Perspective
and Empowerment from The Crew

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